Budget Friendly Gift Ideas for Your Next Kitty Party

If you get tired of thinking of budget friendly gift ideas for your kitty party, then I Am delighted to say that you are at the right place. Hizoopy has got you covered with a plethora of budget-friendly gift ideas that will impress your friends without leaving an extra burden on your wallet. From thoughtful DIY creations to trendy gifts that won’t break the budget, here are some fantastic budget friendly gift ideas for your next kitty party.

1. Handmade Crafts

 Get into your creative side and craft something unique and personal. Whether it’s a hand-painted mug or a knitted scarf, if you are good at stitching then of course you might stitch a small cloth bag for your friends or a batch of homemade candles.

 handmade gifts add a special touch. Plus, they showcase your talent and effort, making them even more meaningful.

2.Miniature Indoor Plants

Give the gift of greenery with miniature indoor plants like air plants, spider plants, or snake plants. These low-maintenance beauties are not only affordable but also add freshness to any space. Pair them with a decorative pot or planter for an extra special touch.

3.Gourmet Treats

Who says budget-friendly gifts can’t be delicious? Put together a gourmet gift basket filled with affordable chocolates, Namkeen, chips, cold drinks, flavored nuts, or gourmet popcorn. You can even DIY some homemade goodies like cookies or granola for a personal touch.

4.Personalised Photo Frames:

Capturing precious memories along with a stylish photo frame will give a personal touch. Print out a favorite photo of you and your friends together and frame it in a budget-friendly frame.It’s a thoughtful gift, it will put a smile on everyone’s face

5. Scented Candles

Look for budget-friendly options at discount stores or online retailers. opt for seasonal scents like vanilla, lavender, or citrus for a refreshing twist.

6.Cooking Utensils

 For the foodies in your group, consider gifting budget-friendly and affordable cooking utensils or gadgets that will make their time in the kitchen even more enjoyable

7.DIY Spa Kits

Treat your friends to a relaxing spa experience at home with a DIY spa kit. Fill a basket with budget-friendly essentials like bath bombs, face masks, scented oils, and herbal teas. It’s a thoughtful gift that encourages self-care and relaxation

8.Personalised Keychains

customized keychains will add a personal touch. You can find affordable options online or at local craft fairs. Choose designs that reflect their interests or hobbies for a truly personalized gift

9.Handwritten Notes

Sometimes, the simplest gifts are the most genuine. Take the time to write a thoughtful note expressing your gratitude and appreciation for your friends. It costs nothing but means a lot.

10. Fridge magnets

These handy gadgets are both practical and budget-friendly, and give a good look to the fridge.

11. Handmade Friendship Bracelets

Get crafty and make handmade friendship bracelets using colorful embroidery thread or beads. Personalize each bracelet with your friends’ favorite colors  for a sentimental and budget-friendly gift.

12. Subscription to Digital Magazines or E-books

 Give the gift of entertainment and education with a subscription to digital magazines or e-books. Look for budget-friendly options that cater to your friends’ interests, whether it’s cooking, travel, fashion, or self-help

13. Colorful Scarves or Bandanas

Add a pop of color to your friends’ wardrobes with budget-friendly scarves or bandanas. Choose lightweight fabrics and versatile patterns that can be styled in various ways.

14. Homemade Pickles

Everyone likes Homemade jams, jellies, chutneys, or pickles. They are the best gifts for your friends. Package them in glass jars with decorative labels for a delicious and homemade gift.


Create unique bookmarks using decorative paper, ribbons, beads, or charms. Personalise each bookmark with your friends’, favorite colors, or quotes for a thoughtful and practical gift.

16. Colourful Plant Pots or Planters

Colorful plant pots or planters in various shapes and sizes can add extra beauty to our homes. Choose vibrant colors and quirky designs to complement their indoor or outdoor décor.

17. Homemade Baked Goods

 Homemade cookies, brownies, or muffins are one of the sweetest gifts  to share with your friends. Packaging them in decorative boxes or jars tied with ribbon would be a hearty gift that’s perfect for your friends.

With these gift ideas, you’ll have plenty of budget-friendly options to choose from for your next kitty party. Whether you’re giving homemade gifts or selecting thoughtful presents, the key is to show your friends how much you appreciate them without overspending. Happy gifting!

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