Teej Theme Kitty Party

teej celebration

Welcome to the world of Hizoopy where you can experience different kinds of themes for kitty parties. In this article, Hizoopy will guide you on how you can celebrate the Teej festival in your kitty party at home. Teej is celebrated by all ladies in India during the monsoon season July-August month. It is believed that Shiva and Parvati got married on the day of Teej, which is why this festival is celebrated.

Teej is a vibrant festival of India and married women keep fast and dance, sing bhajans, dress up like new brides, apply henna on hands and feet, decorate puja thal, meet with friends, and tell stories, wear red, and green, or yellow clothes, playing on the swings under the trees, passing the time by playing Teej party games.

It is a time of togetherness, joy, and celebration. As we understand the essence of Teej and its significance in the context of women’s kitty parties.

Why we celebrate Teej

  • Teej marks the union of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva and is celebrated to seek their blessings for marital bliss and happiness.
  • It is believed that Goddess Parvati performed rigid fasts and rituals to win the love of Lord Shiva, making Teej a festival that honors marital devotion and loyalty.
  • The festival also marks the arrival of monsoon, with women praying for abundant rain and prosperity for their families and crops.

Planning the Teej-theme kitty party:

If you are planning a teej theme kitty party then you have to decide on the date first. Choose a date close to the Teej festival which generally falls in July or August, depending on the lunar calendar.

Make sure the date is convenient for all participants. All ladies can indulge themselves completely in the celebration.

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Here are some decoration ideas for the Teej Kitty Party:

teej decoration
  1. Color theme: Teej comes in the monsoon season so try to give a green theme to your decoration. Choose vibrant colors like red, green, and yellow. preferably green color suits this theme because this color aligns with this theme. 
  2. Use marigolds and roses: Decorate your home with strings of marigolds and rose flowers. You can make beautiful garlands, hangings, and rangoli using fresh flowers and green leaves to add fragrance and color to the ambiance.
  3. Rangoli Design: Create beautiful rangoli designs at the entrance of your home using colored powder, flower petals, green leaves, and diyas (oil lamps). Traditional Teej motifs like peacocks, lotus flowers, and mango leaves can be incorporated into the rangoli design.
  4. Torans and Bandhanwars: Hang decorative torans (door hangings) and bandhanwars (wall hangings) made of fresh flowers and leaves at the entrance.
  5. Traditional Fabrics: Use traditional fabrics like colorful(especially green color) dupattas, sarees, and scarves to drape around furniture, pillars, and doorways. You can also use these fabrics as table runners and wall hangings.
  6. Mehendi/Henna Corner: Set up a mehendi/henna corner where guests can get beautiful henna designs applied to their hands and feet. Decorate the area with colorful cushions, low seating arrangements, and floral decorations.
  7. Lighting: Illuminate your home with strings of fairy lights, lanterns, and candles. You can also use colorful paper lanterns and diyas to create a warm and inviting ambiance.
  8. Teej Swing (Jhula): Set up a decorative swing adorned with flowers, and fresh leaves.Women traditionally swing on jhulas during Teej, so having one at your celebration adds an authentic touch.
  9. Food Presentation: Decorate your dining area with colorful(green color) tablecloths, runners, and floral centerpieces. Serve traditional Teej delicacies like ghewar, malpua, and sweet lassi in decorative plates and bowls.

Food Ideas for Teej Kitty party:

Food has a notable place in every celebration. It always adds extra fun to our party. There are various types of dishes for celebrations but we have selected some of them



Malpua is an Indian fried fluffy pancake, usually flavored with cardamom and dunked in sugar syrup. It is a popular dish enjoyed during various festivals and celebrations, especially during the holy month of Ramadan and the colorful festivals of Teej and Holi.

The preparation of malpua varies from region to region, with each area adding its twist to this beloved dish. Some people add bananas or coconut for extra taste. You can eat it plain or with creamy rabri.

Malpua smells amazing when it’s cooking. It looks golden and inviting.

It’s a simple dessert but loved by many. Try it and enjoy the sweetness of Indian culture!



Ghevar is a yummy sweet of India. It looks like a big, fancy cake. It smells delicious when it’s cooking. People love it during festivals like Teej and Raksha Bandhan.

Ghevar is a special kind of cake. It’s round and crispy. You make it with flour, ghee (clarified butter), and water. Then, you fry it until it’s golden brown.

After frying, you dip it in sugar syrup. This makes it sweet and juicy. Some people add nuts and saffron on top for extra flavor.

Ghevar looks like a big, fancy cake. It smells delicious when it’s cooking.

It’s easy to find ghevar in sweet shops during festivals. People enjoy it with family and friends.

Ghevar is a simple but tasty treat. Give it a try and enjoy the sweetness of Indian culture!



Kachori is a tasty snack from India that people love to eat. It’s a popular street food found across the country.

Kachori is like a small, round pastry filled with spicy stuffing. The outer covering is made from flour, and the filling can vary from region to region. Some common fillings include spiced lentils, peas, and potatoes.

To make kachori, you first prepare the dough by mixing flour, water, and a pinch of salt. Then, you roll out small circles of dough and fill them with the spicy mixture. After that, you deep fry them until they turn golden brown and crispy.

The best part about kachori is its flavourful filling. It’s packed with spices like cumin, coriander, and chili powder, giving it a delicious and aromatic taste.

Kachori is often served with tangy tamarind chutney or spicy green chutney.

You can find kachori in street food stalls, sweet shops, and even in some restaurants. It’s a popular snack enjoyed by people of all ages.

Dal Baati churma

dal baati churma

Dal baati churma is often served at special occasions like weddings, festivals, and family gatherings. Dal Baati Churma is a yummy dish from India that people love to eat, especially in the states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.

It’s made up of three main parts: dal, baati, and churma. Dal baati choorma is a serving of delicious gram flour dough deep-fried in ghee and served with dal. 

Then, there are baati, which are round balls of dough made from flour, ghee (clarified butter), and some spices. They’re baked until they become crispy and golden brown on the outside, but soft on the inside.

Lastly, there’s churma, which is a sweet treat made from crushing baatis into crumbs and mixing them with ghee, sugar, and sometimes nuts. It’s like a crumbly and sweet dessert that complements the savory dal and baati perfectly.

When you eat dal baati churma, you first dip the baati in the dal and then enjoy it with a spoonful of churma on the side. The combination of flavors and textures is simply delicious!

If you ever get the chance to try dal baati churma, don’t miss out! It’s a true taste of Indian hospitality and culinary delight.

Gatte ki sabji

gatte ki sabji

Gatte ki sabji is a tasty dish from India that’s popular in the state of Rajasthan. It’s a vegetarian curry made with gram flour dumplings cooked in a spicy and tangy gravy. This dish is a favorite during festivals, weddings, and other special occasions in Rajasthan. It’s loved for its bold flavors and comforting warmth.

Bedmi Poori with aloo ki sabji

bedami poori

Bedmi Poori is a great option for your kitty party. You can prepare it in advance too. This is a poori made with plain flour which is stuffed with urad dal and served with delicious aloo ki sabzi. It can be puri soft or crispy and it depends on your taste how you like it.

Gifts for Teej celebration

By giving gifts you can show your love and affection to your loved ones. This is a great time when you can give gifts to your friends. There are a few gift ideas for your Teej celebration

  1. Beauty Hampers: Pamper the women in your life with luxurious beauty hampers comprising skincare essentials, fragrances, and makeup items, ensuring they look radiant throughout the festivities.
  2. Sweets and Dry Fruits: Delight their taste buds with a hamper filled with delectable sweets like ladoos, barfis, and an assortment of dry fruits, symbolizing sweetness and prosperity.
  3. Home Décor: Add a touch of elegance to their homes with intricately designed home décor items such as wall hangings, paintings, or decorative pieces, elevating the festive ambiance.
  4. Personalized Gifts: Show your love and affection with personalized gifts like customized photo frames, mugs, or cushions, capturing beautiful memories shared.
  5. Bangles: As we know Teej is a festival of married women so you can give ornaments like bangles, bracelets, bindi, mehndi,clutchers, hair pins, etc.

Dress code

As we know Teej comes in the monsoon season and the earth is adorned with lush greenery this nature beauty should align with your dress code.

Ask your guests to come wearing green traditional dress, be it a suit, saree, or lehenga.


The celebration of Teej is a vibrant and joyous occasion where we honor tradition, togetherness, and the blessings of love and prosperity. When we gather with friends and family, we should remember the memories made, the bonds strengthened, and the laughter shared during this special festival. Till next time, may the spirit of Teej fill our hearts with joy and unity.

2 thoughts on “Teej Theme Kitty Party”

    1. Thank you for your input! I appreciate the suggestion. In fact, I’m planning to delve deeper into Teej games in a separate article soon. Stay tuned for more detailed ideas and fun-filled activities for Teej celebrations in kitty parties

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