Thandai Recipe

Thandai recipe is an Indian traditional drink that is made during festivals, especially Holi and Maha Shivratri. It is a traditional drink in India and has a cooling property. Due to its super delicious taste and coolant properties, it has a significant place among all drinks. This scrumptious and healthy drink is made with nuts, seeds, whole spices, and milk. Homemade thandai is always a great option compared to ready-made thandai as they don’t contain any preservatives.

Let me share a personal memory with you. When I was a kid, Holi was always a lot of fun. We will throw colored powder everywhere and fight for water. But one of the best parts was drinking the thandai. I remember its smell would fill the house when we played. It was like a delicious, cold milkshake that we would all enjoy together. Even now, whenever I drink thandai, it takes me back to the happy moments spent with my family. It’s amazing how a drink can bring back such wonderful memories.

This is the best drink for your Holi theme kitty party and you can pair this drink with the gujiya recipe. You can enjoy your party by drinking this beverage with your friends. In this article, I will guide you to make thandai at home, and it will be simple and easy. But Before delving into the recipe, let’s explore the thandai first.

About Thandai

thandai recipe

Thandai is a popular north Indian drink and is made with nuts, seeds, whole spices, rose petals, and milk. All of the ingredients have a coolant effect on the body hence it is named thandai.

There is no fun in Holi without tasty snacks and delicious drinks. Thandai is a flavored spiced along with a sweet taste which is made by soaking and grinding all the ingredients such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, rose petals, melon seeds, and poppy seeds (to form the base of this paste), spices like fennel seeds, cardamom(enhance flavor) and this paste is diluted with milk that makes a perfectly delicious drink for your holi kitty party.

Ingredients Used in Traditional Thandai

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 10-12 almonds, soaked and peeled
  • 10-12 cashew nuts, soaked
  • 15-20 pistachios, soaked and peeled
  • 2 tablespoons poppy seeds (khus khus), soaked
  • 2 tablespoons melon seeds (magaz), soaked
  • 1 tablespoon fennel seeds (saunf)
  • 1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns
  • 5-6 green cardamom pods, peeled
  • 1-inch Cinnamon 
  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron strands (optional)
  • 7-8 rose petals
  • Ice cubes (for serving)
  • Dried rose petals (for garnish, optional)
  • Chopped pistachios and almonds (for garnish, optional)

Thandai paste Recipe(step by step guide)

nuts and seeds
nuts, poppy seeds, and saffron
soaked nuts
grind all ingredients
  • Take 10-12 almonds,10-12 cashews, and 15-17 pistachios in a bowl and rinse them thoroughly. 
  • Pour water into the bowl and leave these nuts to soak for 4-5 hours. You may soak them in hot water for 1 hour.
  • Take another bowl and add poppy seeds and melon seeds in less water.
  • Peel off the almonds rinse all the nuts well and add the soaked and peeled nuts into the grinder jar.
  • Add poppy seeds and melon seeds.

Mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon fennel seeds (saunf)
  • 1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns
  • 5-6 green cardamom pods, peeled
  • 1-inch Cinnamon 
  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron strands (optional)
  • 7-8 rose petals(or gulkand)

Grind all the ingredients thoroughly to form a fine paste. Add a little water to make a smooth paste.

Now your homemade thandai paste is ready. Transfer it into a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of this homemade thandai is about 1 week. If you wish to extend the shelf life of this homemade thandai then you have to follow the following steps ahead:

  • Take a heavy bottom pan and add 1-2 glasses of water.
  • Add sugar(2 bowls) and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  • When the water starts boiling, add Thandai paste to the pan and let the entire paste boil for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now your thandai will turn into a thick paste, switch off the flame, and let it cool.
  • Transfer this paste to a bottle and store this recipe for longer.

Make Thandai

  • Take 2 tablespoons of prepared thandai paste in a glass and add milk into it and stir well until thandai paste dissolves in milk completely.
  • If you like gulkand then you can add it in your drink.But it is completely optional.
  • If you use the uncooked paste then you have to add sugar according to your taste or if you are using a cooked version then there is no need to add sugar.
  • Add ice cube and garnish with rose petals or saffron strands
  • Now your thandai recipe is ready to drink.


In conclusion, thandai is not just a beverage, but a cultural experience that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. By following this guide, you can master the art of making thandai at home and surprise your friends and loved ones with this refreshing drink. Experiment with different variations and savor the health benefits of this traditional beverage.

Expert tips:

Don’t use salted pistachios, and make sure that the nuts you are using are fresh, not rancid.

  • You can use almonds with skin or peel, but you should soak them separately, it will be easier for you to peel them.
  • Both poppy seeds and melon seeds are the core ingredients but in case of unavailability, you can replace them with unsalted pumpkin seeds and add a few more cashews. But remember the taste will slightly change.
  • Add gulkand instead of rose petals if you wish but it is completely according to your choice.


  1. How long can thandai be stored in the refrigerator?

Thandai can typically be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. However, the shelf life may vary depending on the freshness of the ingredients used and how well it is stored. To maximize freshness, store Thandai in an airtight container and ensure it is kept refrigerated at all times. Before consuming, give it a quick stir as ingredients may settle over time.

  1. Can I use dairy-free alternatives in the thandai recipe?

Yes, you can use dairy-free alternatives in the Thandai recipe to accommodate dietary preferences or restrictions. Options such as almond milk, coconut milk, or soy milk can be used as substitutes for regular milk. Just ensure that the dairy-free alternative you choose complements the other flavors in the Thandai, and adjust the sweetness level as needed

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